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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love Through Love

I had to write this blog in dedication to my husband and the love that we share. I have to talk about this moment I felt when I realized that " yes" I am really married and " yes" I am in love. It was at the forth coming to that knoledge that I had an in depth thought about how I view love more particularly the love I'm in. Well to explain it well you must know specific details about the past love I shared with this man. You see, the love we had was true only because here and now we can say that it was true. Because the truth is no one person can know anothers mind. It is the main cause of breakups and divorce. That is the source. Because two totally different beings with a high level of consciousness is trying to understand the other. When my husband and I started dating I was in love and I really felt it. It was this complete, natural, wholeness feeling when we were together. It was like...........a Romeo and Juliet thing. You see, we were still those two human beings who didn't know what to expect from love although we both had our failed experiences. But we had the same goals which was to be with someone forever and love them intil the end of time. Which is the goal of most who seek love. The difference from how I see then and now is detailed in the foundation of the love we share. You see, we started with a sense of uncertainty and destitude of minds. Now we are on one common ground and we search only to expand the parts of our love for each other that otherwise couldn't be infinetely expanded. Because the love we have now is the kind of love people hold on to even after death. It's the kind that allows the energy around you to be turned into love for that person so even in death that love goes on. Love is just a word though. But if I had to describe it, Love would not honor even as a word, the way I feel for my husband. I know if I died today my worst fear would be over. The fear that my life never stood for anything would die before I would because when I take my last breath I know that there will be a someone who holds me in a place no one else will ever be able to go............and that placeis their mind. For the mind is the heart of us all. The mind is what memories are founded on. So as we face another journey of life together I would like this person to know that I think of them with love and I will never forget them.

Mother Where Art Thou

 They say a vain man lives not for real significance, or value, or importance. He realizes no purpose other than his own self conceited ways. He never takes the blame for his shame and therefore he shall never be remembered only for this. So his name shall inherit no value. This goes too for the woman. I sat one day and wondered how I would feel to not have a mother. This brought tears to my eyes as I thought about all the beating hearts of little children that want mothers and have not. For all the little boys who need fathers and are without and visa versa. But more for the ones without mothers. For mothers are the nurturers of life and all it's abundance. The womb of a mother can be felt from a child as it grows from birth intil it comes of age. Because I have a son and daughter I couldn't imagine never being there for them by choice because as choice has it I would give my all for and to them. I could never do as I see many parents, especially mothers do. I see children crying out from inside " Teacher, oh my Teacher whom I so adore why do you leave me beaten, broke, and sore." Then I stop to wonder what goes through the minds of those parents who do these things to their children, but mostly the mothers. Because a mother is the nurturer of life and the foundation of development. The mother is the root to the seed and first teacher to blooming flowers. Mothers are gleaming light that shines down on stars from the moon. They are the hopes and dreams that a child first sees from the time they open their eyes to the time when the mother lets them go to grow. What has happened to the childrens first dreams that are now torn and tattered and what is to become of their futures dreams as the others are now shattered. Mothers what has happened to your eternal will and maternal instinctive drive? What has happened to the power in mother that can be compared to the earth as it flourishes life everlasting? Oh mothers, Where has your love gone? Where does it lye? For you leave your seeds waiting to die. No tears to stop you, no grief to keep you near, no plees or bargains to make you wipe their tears. So tell me where you've gone if there's a way to reach you tell them how. The children want to know at least Mother Where Art Thou?

Monday, January 17, 2011

To Reason Amongst Ignorance Part 2

After observing how some other parents treat their children I have come to the profound understanding that some parents have become selfish and lazy. However, I still think there are many roles that play a part in why some parents have that kind of attitude. While doing an evaluation I have come up with five main theories on why these parents do the things they do. 
  1. How they were raised
  2. Eager for Companionship
  3. Influenced by Peers and Age
  4. Drug Influence
  5. Not Self Structured
I feel like these play a major role in the parents that are raising children today. Not all are like this but the majority is and it's sad. If you were raised to be a certain way at least 65-70% of the time you will follow in your parent or guardians footsteps. It's what your teacher has instilled in you that will determine the outcome. If you were instilled negativity then that is what will most likely come out. However, if you were taught positivity you have a better chance to grow with a better outlook on life. Another part that determines this is what the decisions to your choices will be. Nowadays single mothers are so eager for companionship that they put aside the more important things for a man. This sometimes includes their children. They are not self motivated enough to raise their children on their own. The are not independent but dependent on companionship no matter if the man is doing anything for them or not. Woman today set their standards so low that when they get a man with low standards they become disappointed. Not enough to say they want a man and not a little boy. Not all men are perfect but sometimes we as woman settle for less a little too often. Younger single mothers today are still in the teenage mindset and have not fully matured to take care of the responsibilities of parenthood. They are inspired by their peers to still live the young teen life, putting aside their children for too often celebrated fun. It's okay to go out every now and then but we have to learn our boundaries and how to put important things first. A lot of our youth are on drugs and that speaks for itself. Drugs makes you forget altogether what your priorities are and allow room for continuing procrastination and no progress. The most detrimental fault of young single mothers is not having any self structure or self motivation. When you can motivate yourself, you are more likely to get things done and will have less worries about the future because of a lack of security. Motivation is best lived by self and best experienced through achievements.

To Reason Amongst Ignorance Part 1

Ignorance- the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc. I am a young mother. I am 23 years old and gave birth to my first child at age 19. I was raised without a father in the home in fact I have never known my father. However I don't regret it. My mother was a single parent who raised 5 kids, worked ultra hard, gave them the best, and expected the best through trying. She never asked much from us except to never say we can't and to not try. I am fortunate to have a mom like that. She is a real woman. But not all children are fortunate enough to have that. Where I live there are children younger than my four year old and whose parents are younger than me. There are some who are even fifteen or sixteen with kids. Some days I see these children out side alone without supervision and no guidance. Although we live in an apartment complex I was raised to stay by my child's side and observe them from danger. But that's just me. Some people weren't raised the way that I was raised and that is understandable. As the months have passed, these same children are growing up learning more from each other than they probably would at home. I see their parents from time to time but when i see them they are on their phones or heading to the office computer room to login to myspace or facebook. Once a kid just knocked on our door and asked for a glass of water. I never turn down children for anything so as I went to get him the water I asked him where his mom was, he responded that she was gone. I asked who was watching him and he said I watch myself as he gulped down the water and asked for more. I got him some more water. After drinking that he hurriedly handed me the glass and ran off to go and play again. In another month I took my children to the park in our complex because it was a beautiful day outside. The other children that occupied the park were throwing huge rocks at each other and one small boy got knocked in the head. The boy had to be two years old he was so little. As he cried he ran across the parking lot to what I believe was his home and his mom started to yell at the little boy to go back outside. Since he didn't listen, she started to give the little boy a beating outside. I was so angry at the situation because she never once asked her son or whoever the boy was to her what was wrong. She just continued to beat the little boy in till he ran out across the parking lot back to the park. Three weeks later I went to check the mail and this same little boy and his relative or mom was standing outside having a confrontation with another parent who was busy earlier that day finishing her chatting on myspace. I know because I waited all day long for this lady and another lady to get off the computer so that I could complete my school enrollment. Well as I retrieved the mail I over heard the two ladies blaming each other for not watching their children. As I walked away I couldn't help but think about just how amazingly ironic that was! 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Re-establishing Our Relationship with Earth

Re-establishing Our Relationship with Earth

The human mind is the most complex and interesting component of the human existence. Man kind has studied relentlessly over the ages to understand and learn more about themselves and the world around them. However, man has tested Earths limitless possibilities, and taken for granted its fragile balance. Humanity has much to learn about the importance of the environment and its wildlife. As the future progresses and the past swiftly fades away humanity has concerned itself in the studies of technology and its benefits. Most importantly man has dug himself a hole in which he is finding ways to climb from. Man has just come to the realization that global warming and pollution has been playing a huge part in the weather and melting of the polar ice caps. Prevention has never been one of the top concerning issues. Now we are struggling to bring nature back to balance. It seems through the ages of progressing time man has forgotten his place and relationship with earth. We are the leading cause of pollution, the global warming, poaching, endangered species, oil spills, and destruction of habitation. Who are we to think that we can survive without the balances of nature? It is prudent that we come to awareness and understanding of the relationship we share with our surroundings. Without this knowledge and awareness over time man kind will parish. No technology can replace the elements of life and nature although some has tried. The mysteries of Earth will forever be an essential part of life. To understand life we must protect it. Only we can do this because we are the ones who have threatened life’s existence. Everything we have learned about vegetation, plants, and wildlife has improved so many things. Everything on planet earth is connected in the circle of life. Take one element out and you break the circle. One cannot survive without the other. Many people are not interested in the earth or wildlife. It may be because they don’t understand it. It may be because they don’t care. Mostly I believe it’s because they don’t understand the importance of Earths connection to us. As human being with the power of consciousness we are charged with the ability to edify ourselves and the responsibilities of correcting our every mistake. We if not now, we must one day re-establish our relationship with mother earth. One day we must rely and lean to her for relief. One day like the ones we are experiencing now we must ask her for forgiveness and when life is flourishing with us in the midst she may say I forgive you.