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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Re-establishing Our Relationship with Earth

Re-establishing Our Relationship with Earth

The human mind is the most complex and interesting component of the human existence. Man kind has studied relentlessly over the ages to understand and learn more about themselves and the world around them. However, man has tested Earths limitless possibilities, and taken for granted its fragile balance. Humanity has much to learn about the importance of the environment and its wildlife. As the future progresses and the past swiftly fades away humanity has concerned itself in the studies of technology and its benefits. Most importantly man has dug himself a hole in which he is finding ways to climb from. Man has just come to the realization that global warming and pollution has been playing a huge part in the weather and melting of the polar ice caps. Prevention has never been one of the top concerning issues. Now we are struggling to bring nature back to balance. It seems through the ages of progressing time man has forgotten his place and relationship with earth. We are the leading cause of pollution, the global warming, poaching, endangered species, oil spills, and destruction of habitation. Who are we to think that we can survive without the balances of nature? It is prudent that we come to awareness and understanding of the relationship we share with our surroundings. Without this knowledge and awareness over time man kind will parish. No technology can replace the elements of life and nature although some has tried. The mysteries of Earth will forever be an essential part of life. To understand life we must protect it. Only we can do this because we are the ones who have threatened life’s existence. Everything we have learned about vegetation, plants, and wildlife has improved so many things. Everything on planet earth is connected in the circle of life. Take one element out and you break the circle. One cannot survive without the other. Many people are not interested in the earth or wildlife. It may be because they don’t understand it. It may be because they don’t care. Mostly I believe it’s because they don’t understand the importance of Earths connection to us. As human being with the power of consciousness we are charged with the ability to edify ourselves and the responsibilities of correcting our every mistake. We if not now, we must one day re-establish our relationship with mother earth. One day we must rely and lean to her for relief. One day like the ones we are experiencing now we must ask her for forgiveness and when life is flourishing with us in the midst she may say I forgive you.

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