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Monday, January 17, 2011

To Reason Amongst Ignorance Part 1

Ignorance- the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc. I am a young mother. I am 23 years old and gave birth to my first child at age 19. I was raised without a father in the home in fact I have never known my father. However I don't regret it. My mother was a single parent who raised 5 kids, worked ultra hard, gave them the best, and expected the best through trying. She never asked much from us except to never say we can't and to not try. I am fortunate to have a mom like that. She is a real woman. But not all children are fortunate enough to have that. Where I live there are children younger than my four year old and whose parents are younger than me. There are some who are even fifteen or sixteen with kids. Some days I see these children out side alone without supervision and no guidance. Although we live in an apartment complex I was raised to stay by my child's side and observe them from danger. But that's just me. Some people weren't raised the way that I was raised and that is understandable. As the months have passed, these same children are growing up learning more from each other than they probably would at home. I see their parents from time to time but when i see them they are on their phones or heading to the office computer room to login to myspace or facebook. Once a kid just knocked on our door and asked for a glass of water. I never turn down children for anything so as I went to get him the water I asked him where his mom was, he responded that she was gone. I asked who was watching him and he said I watch myself as he gulped down the water and asked for more. I got him some more water. After drinking that he hurriedly handed me the glass and ran off to go and play again. In another month I took my children to the park in our complex because it was a beautiful day outside. The other children that occupied the park were throwing huge rocks at each other and one small boy got knocked in the head. The boy had to be two years old he was so little. As he cried he ran across the parking lot to what I believe was his home and his mom started to yell at the little boy to go back outside. Since he didn't listen, she started to give the little boy a beating outside. I was so angry at the situation because she never once asked her son or whoever the boy was to her what was wrong. She just continued to beat the little boy in till he ran out across the parking lot back to the park. Three weeks later I went to check the mail and this same little boy and his relative or mom was standing outside having a confrontation with another parent who was busy earlier that day finishing her chatting on myspace. I know because I waited all day long for this lady and another lady to get off the computer so that I could complete my school enrollment. Well as I retrieved the mail I over heard the two ladies blaming each other for not watching their children. As I walked away I couldn't help but think about just how amazingly ironic that was! 

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