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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love Through Love

I had to write this blog in dedication to my husband and the love that we share. I have to talk about this moment I felt when I realized that " yes" I am really married and " yes" I am in love. It was at the forth coming to that knoledge that I had an in depth thought about how I view love more particularly the love I'm in. Well to explain it well you must know specific details about the past love I shared with this man. You see, the love we had was true only because here and now we can say that it was true. Because the truth is no one person can know anothers mind. It is the main cause of breakups and divorce. That is the source. Because two totally different beings with a high level of consciousness is trying to understand the other. When my husband and I started dating I was in love and I really felt it. It was this complete, natural, wholeness feeling when we were together. It was like...........a Romeo and Juliet thing. You see, we were still those two human beings who didn't know what to expect from love although we both had our failed experiences. But we had the same goals which was to be with someone forever and love them intil the end of time. Which is the goal of most who seek love. The difference from how I see then and now is detailed in the foundation of the love we share. You see, we started with a sense of uncertainty and destitude of minds. Now we are on one common ground and we search only to expand the parts of our love for each other that otherwise couldn't be infinetely expanded. Because the love we have now is the kind of love people hold on to even after death. It's the kind that allows the energy around you to be turned into love for that person so even in death that love goes on. Love is just a word though. But if I had to describe it, Love would not honor even as a word, the way I feel for my husband. I know if I died today my worst fear would be over. The fear that my life never stood for anything would die before I would because when I take my last breath I know that there will be a someone who holds me in a place no one else will ever be able to go............and that placeis their mind. For the mind is the heart of us all. The mind is what memories are founded on. So as we face another journey of life together I would like this person to know that I think of them with love and I will never forget them.

Mother Where Art Thou

 They say a vain man lives not for real significance, or value, or importance. He realizes no purpose other than his own self conceited ways. He never takes the blame for his shame and therefore he shall never be remembered only for this. So his name shall inherit no value. This goes too for the woman. I sat one day and wondered how I would feel to not have a mother. This brought tears to my eyes as I thought about all the beating hearts of little children that want mothers and have not. For all the little boys who need fathers and are without and visa versa. But more for the ones without mothers. For mothers are the nurturers of life and all it's abundance. The womb of a mother can be felt from a child as it grows from birth intil it comes of age. Because I have a son and daughter I couldn't imagine never being there for them by choice because as choice has it I would give my all for and to them. I could never do as I see many parents, especially mothers do. I see children crying out from inside " Teacher, oh my Teacher whom I so adore why do you leave me beaten, broke, and sore." Then I stop to wonder what goes through the minds of those parents who do these things to their children, but mostly the mothers. Because a mother is the nurturer of life and the foundation of development. The mother is the root to the seed and first teacher to blooming flowers. Mothers are gleaming light that shines down on stars from the moon. They are the hopes and dreams that a child first sees from the time they open their eyes to the time when the mother lets them go to grow. What has happened to the childrens first dreams that are now torn and tattered and what is to become of their futures dreams as the others are now shattered. Mothers what has happened to your eternal will and maternal instinctive drive? What has happened to the power in mother that can be compared to the earth as it flourishes life everlasting? Oh mothers, Where has your love gone? Where does it lye? For you leave your seeds waiting to die. No tears to stop you, no grief to keep you near, no plees or bargains to make you wipe their tears. So tell me where you've gone if there's a way to reach you tell them how. The children want to know at least Mother Where Art Thou?